Sunday, 12 May 2019

Review from a book club kid: A Court of Wings and Ruin

It was so good. ;-;
I might've cried about how good it is. It's a trilogy worth reading and I'm happy I did!
Over to Azriel and Cassian
*Azriel starts the powerpoint*

Cassian: why hello everyone, you have arrived at this review. Congrats lets give a round of applause for our amazing readers,

*No one claps, but Cassian.*

*Azriel changes the slide*

Cassian: -coughs-Let's just say that this book makes us sound amazing, strong and cool and the Night Courts High Lady shine.

*Cassian glances at the powerpoint, slowly getting ticked off*
Azriel reads what's on the slide: Rhys obviously has the biggest wingspan

*Cassian storms out, Cassian: I CAll TrEaSon! AmREn gO GeT mE a RuLeR!*

This review was created by one of our Read and Recommend Book Club Readers.

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